Full citation: Stillman, P. E., Wilson, J. D., Denny, M. J., Desmarais, B. A., Cranmer, S. J., & Lu, Z. L. (2019). A consistent organizational structure across multiple functional subnetworks of the human brain. NeuroImage, 197, 24-36.
Article available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811919302253
For more information on the GERGM package, see https://github.com/matthewjdenny/GERGM
Files provided:
- bud2_21subjs_v1.RData -- contains the data and information for the default mode subnetwork
- power_21subjs_v1.Rdata -- contains the data and information for the power subnetworks
- GERGM_subnetworks_OSF.R -- R code to load in the above data and run the different GERGM models
- interpret_gergm_output_OSF.R -- R code to reproduce the figures and tables from the manuscript
We further provide all output models (as these can take a while to run) in the "GERGM model outputs" component. Note that this is a work in project, as many of the files are quite large and take time to upload.