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<h1>**Full paper**</h1> ----------------------- The final article has been published in *Media Psychology*. Please cite as: Lutz, S., & Schneider, F. M. (2021). Is receiving Dislikes in social media still better than being ignored? The effects of ostracism and rejection on need threat and coping responses online. *Media Psychology, 24*(6), 741–765. [][1] <H1>**Files and Documents**</h1> ----------------------- The OSF storage includes supplementary material for the pretest and the main study as well as the preprint. ## Preregistration ## The main study was preregistered at [ASPREDICTED][2]. The respective file can also be found in the subfolder *Preregistration & Power Analyses*. ## Apriori Power Analyses ## Power analyses were based on previous findings (e.g., meta-analyses). See subfolder *Preregistration & Power Analyses* for a documentation of the analyses. ## Pretest ## Results of the pretest are available in the subfolder *Data, Analyses & Results/Pretest*. ## Main Study ## ### *Material* ### All material can be found in the subfolder *Material*. It includes - the questionnaire, - a codebook of all variables, - screencasts of examples for the experimental manipulations (see file "stimulus material" for an English translation of the optimized tool used in this study or visit to try out the original version of the tool). ### *Data Analyses* ### In the subfolder *Data, Analyses & Results/Main study*, we provide - details about data cleaning, - data, - R code for all analyses conducted in the article, - R code for the confirmatory factor analyses, - an overview of the results depending on sample sizes, - results for *N* = 211 and *N* = 349, - results for additional analyses. <h1>**Reproducing the Analyses**</h1> ----------------------- To reproduce the analyses, the following steps are essential: 1. Download and install [RStudio][3] and [R Version 4.xx][4] 2. Download the complete subfolder *Data, Analyses & Results/Main study/Data and Code*. 3. Unzip it in one folder and load the file *Dislikes.Rproj* as an R-Project in RStudio. Or simply double-click the file. 4. Open the *cfa.Rmd* or the *syntax.Rmd* files in RStudio. 5. Install and load up-to-date required packages. 6. Run analyses or knit the Rmd. Alternatively, you can open the *cfa.html* or the *syntax.html* files in your web browser to inspect the results. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
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