# Many Speech Analyses project!
This is the main OSF repository and Research Compendium of the project *Many Speech Analyses* (MSA).
The MSA project is a collaborative study of researcher's degrees of freedom in the speech sciences at large.
We have asked researchers to use the same data set to answer the same research question: *Do speakers acoustically modify utterances to signal atypical word combinations?*
## Repository overview
This repository is made up of different Components:
- `Data` contains the data set used in the project and information on how the data was obtained.
- `Teams analyses` contains the repositories of the different analytic teams who participated in the project.
- `Questionnaires` contains the PDF versions of the questionnaires used in the project to collect information on the analysts and the analyses.
- The code and data for the meta-analysis, including the RR manuscript, can be found in the `Meta-analysis` component, which links to the project's GitHub repository: <https://github.com/many-speech-analyses/many_analyses>.
- In `Cache`, you can find cached R output.
- You can find the `Registered Report` and `Collaborator agreement` in the respective Components.
Further documents related to manuscript editing and review can be found in [this Google Drive folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-DOcj1qtEkvWfzu_FrsxkIGfPS0DyLXB?usp=sharing).
[1]: https://many-speech-analyses.github.io/