**Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance** (IEMP) is an interdisciplinary research project, based on a large-scale international collaboration between a group of scholars with a common interest in interpersonal coordination and synchrony in music-making. It is funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) from April 2016 to October 2018.
The project is led by Martin Clayton and Tuomas Eerola at Durham, with international co-investigators Antonio Camurri (Casa Paganini – InfoMus, Genoa) and Peter Keller (MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University) as well as Kelly Jakubowski (postdoctoral researcher, Durham). These investigators collaborate with a wider international group of researchers with interests in musical entrainment and expertise in a wide variety of musical traditions, supported by lead technician Simone Tarsitani (Durham).
More information, see [https://musicscience.net/projects/iemp/][1]
See also:
Clayton, Martin, Tarsitani, Simone, Jankowsky, Richard, Jure, Luis, Leante, Laura, Polak, Rainer, Poole, Adrian, Rocamora, Martín, Alborno, Paolo, Camurri, Antonio, Eerola, Tuomas, Jacoby, Nori & Jakubowski, Kelly (2021). The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection. Empirical Musicology Review 16(1): 65-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/emr.v16i1.7555.
[1]: https://musicscience.net/projects/iemp/