**Show notes**
In this episode, Dan and James are joined by Jessica Polka, Director of ASAPbio, to chat about preprints.
- What is ASAPbio?
- Differences between the publication processes in the biological sciences vs. the biomedical sciences
- Common concerns with preprints
- Media embargoes
- How peer review isn’t necessarily a mark of quality
- Do preprints make it harder to curate information?
- Specialty preprint servers vs. broad servers?
- How well do you need to format your preprint?
- How do you bring up preprints to lab heads and PIs?
- An example of a good preprint experience from Dan
- Using preprints for your grant applications
- What Jessica has changed her mind about
- The one article that Jessica thinks everyone should read
Jessica's Twitter account - @jessicapolka
ASAPbio - asapbio.org & @asapbio_
Rescuing Biomedical science conference 2014 resources - rescuingbiomedicalresearch.org/events/
Sherpa/Romeo - www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php
PaleoArxiv - osf.io/preprints/paleorxiv
Principles for Open Scholarly Infrastructures paper - figshare.com/articles/Principle…uctures_v1/1314859