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**Script explanation** All scripts for analysis in MPLUS are provided here (a copy is also on GitHub, The script names for the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) follow the format efa_construct* (with construct being the latent variable that is modeled (either a predictor or outcome construct) and * representing the modeling step. The script names for the structural equation models (SEM) follow the format outcome_parentingfactor_model step. Outcomes included a latent factor for smoking (fsmk), alcohol per week (alc), and cannabis initiation (can). Parenting factors included F1 parental involvement (f1inv), F2 parental substance use (f2sub), and F3 the parent-child relationship (f3rel). The modeling steps were ‘1main’ for the main effects of the PGS and the parenting factor, ‘2interactioneffects’ for the GxE between the PGS and the parenting factor, ‘3rgeeffects’ for the rGE effects, and ‘4full’ for the complete model including main, GxE, and rGE effects. Further explanations for each of the scripts is included in the 'scripts info' document. The following abbreviations are used in the scripts to represent the variables: C1-C10 Principal components for genetic ancestry parknow Parental knowledge pardisc Child disclosure parcont Parental control parsol Parental solicitation rel_rej Parent-child relationship rejection rel_warm Parent-child relationship warmth parsmk Parental smoking parcpd Parental cigarettes per day paralc Parental alcohol use per week paraddep Parental addiction parcan Parental cannabis use prssmcpd Smoking PGS (based on smoking initiation and cigarettes per day) prsalc Alcohol use PGS prscan Cannabis initiation PGS eversmk Ever smoking dailysmk Daily smoking cpd Cigarettes per day ftnd Nicotine dependence alc Alcohol use per week alcmonth Any alcohol use in past month (yes/ no) audit Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test total score can Cannabis initiation cupit1 Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test subscale 1 (impaired control) score cupit2 Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test subscale 2 (cannabis problems) score
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