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The dataset stored in the "Data_def" file includes participants' scores in the experimental tasks: - The final total score in the metaphor task for both the metaphorical and neutral condition is labelled as "MetScore_CONS". - The socio-demographic measures - i.e., Gender, Age, Education level, Region Covid-Risk, participants' composite scores for the sources of information "TV_Newspaper" (news/programs in television and newspapers) and "Ind_Social" (independent information channels and social networks), Political orientation, approval of Premier, national government, opposition and Region Governor - are labelled as follows, respectively: Sex, Age, Degree, Region-CovidRisk, TV_Newspaper, Ind_Social, Politics, VotePremier, VoteGovern, VoteOpposition, VoteRegionGovernor. The following R codes are provided: 1. R code for descriptive statistics and the following inferential statistics: between-condition comparison and between-group comparisons for each of the socio-demographical measures. These codes are stored in the file "R_Code_1.R". 2. The R codes for the three regression models are provided as well, with the commands used to run the backward regressions and the checks for auto-correlation, multicollinearity and the diagnostics for potential influential cases. Overall model: RCode_RegressionOverall_Model.R; Model metaphoric: R_Code_Regression_MET.R; Model Neutral: R_Code_NEU.R. 3. Each of the two folders of the multiple regression models separated by condition includes the following documents: 3.1. The R output of the multiple regression statistics, where also the following can be found: CIs for each of the predictors in the models (alpha level=0.95); MODEL DIAGNOSTICS 1: autocorrelation and multicollinearity checks; MODEL DIAGNOSTICS 2: checks for potential influential cases (i.e., large residuals in the dataset and information on their Cooks'distance, average leverage, upper and lower limit values for the covariance ratio. 3.2. Two files.dat: Regression Data with the values of the diagnostics checks above and a file including information of cases of large residuals.
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