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**Read me** ***Acquisition*** Data were acquired on a SIEMENS MAGNETOM 7T MRI system 32-channel head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA, USA). For details on acquisition parameters, please refer to the original article. ***Data files*** Each subject's primary folder contains subfolders anat, func, and vois: - The 'anat' folder contains the T1-weighted anatomical image (.nii format). - The 'func' folder contains 2 first-level fMRI models in the subject's native space (one with concatenated, and one with separate runs). It also contains the coregistration parameters resulting from boundary-based registration of functional to anatomical data (.dat). - The 'vois' folder contains binary masks (.nii format) for 32 regions of interest (16 in the frontal, and 16 in the parietal lobe) derived from the HCP-MMP1 parcellation, in the same space as the functional data.
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