This session will be divided into 2 parts:
The first part will be geared towards setting up your working environment in UBC ARC Sockeye, to promote sound data workflows and for your research to be reproducible. There will be hands-on activities in which you will use the command line to navigate through different spaces within Sockeye, create folders, identify and implement considerations and best practices when naming large amounts of files, and create the proper documentation to ensure that your work is easily interpreted by others.
The second part will focus on efficiently using storage space, as well as transferring data to and from Sockeye. There will be hands-on activities in which you will identify and implement best practices in maintaining your project space so you do not max out your storage quota, transfer files to and from Sockeye with storage platforms, as well as download data directly from public databases.
This session is part 2 of 2 sessions in the RDM with HPC mini-series.
Due to the hands-on nature of this session, there will be a 50 person capacity.