This OSF page is a part of work submitted under the manuscript titled:
**"The influence of non-neural factors on BOLD signal magnitude"
by J.Kurzawski, O.F. Gulban K.Jamison, J.Winawer and K.Kay.**
1. We provide preprocessed data for NSD and TDM datasets (HCP data is available [elsewhere][1])
Datasets can be used to reproduce figures in the paper. Code to do that is deposited on [github][2]. TDM dataset contains a mat file where data is organized as an array. Each column is a different quantity concatenated across subjects.
Columns correspond to below listed labels i.e first column of the array contains %BOLD, second contains curvature etc. After running github code additional column with %Corrected BOLD is added at the end of the array.
labels = {'%BOLD' 'Curvature' 'Thickness' ' Angle w.r.t. B_0' 'Polar angle' 'Roi' 'Bias-corrected EPI' 'RF coil bias' 'Ecc' 'Depth' 'subjects' 'hemi'};
2. For NSD dataset we provide necessary maps (in mgz format) and freesurfer directories to reproduce figure 6 in the paper.
For details in data organization see project's [github][2] page.
3. Remaining freesurfer directories for each of the subjects can be found on TDM's OSF [website][3] and NSD's OSF [website][4]
4. Software folder contains necessary matlab functions to recreate the figures. Github code will automatically download the data as a part of code preperation.