This repository contains supplemental files associated with the manuscript entitled Divergence of chemosensing during the early stages of speciation. RNAseq sequencing reads are available on NCBI's SRA repository (BioProject: PRJNA577441). Targeted resequencing reads are available on NCBI's SRA repository (PRJNA577716).
Here are contained the following:
Supplemental file 1 - OBPs annotated in Vogt et al. (2015)
Supplemental file 2 - .gtf file of chemosensory genes annotated in this manuscript
Supplemental file 3 - table of annotation improvements/changes
Supplemental file 4 - table of tissue specificity for chemosensory genes
Supplemental file 5 - FPKM counts table for all samples by life-stage and sex.
q-values - excel sheet containing all q-values from differential expression analyses.
SI_Table5_LD_optix - excel sheet containing r2 values from LD analysis.
SI_Tables3and4_Overview of chemosensory gene differential expression patterns - excel sheet containing differentially expressed gene names.