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This week I tried to implement drawing and not depending on lines to give my drawings form, so I focused on just the animal, and not the environment. On Monday I tried using ink pens, but I did not like the product as much as on Wednesday when I went back to pencil, and I went to draw the polar bears. The bear in the exhibit was getting fed when I first got there which was very cool, but after is was done eating it laid down for a nap and it was almost out of sight. I had switched back to pencil though, and I really liked how I was able to fill out the form of the animal and add some detail to the fur. There's also a few minute sketch of an arctic fox in the lower right corner of the page with the polar bear. I really liked the product of Wednesday, and I think I'm finally learning the difference between drawing with and without lines. On this component I have also added a sketch I did in the same style of my friend Josiah.
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