# Content
This repository contains data, meta data, scripts and additional resources for the article: "Challenges and solutions to more transparent epidemiological data analysis -
A case study on the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort (MoBa)"
There are two components.
[MoBa Assessment](https://osf.io/rn938/) contains all relevant resources to reproduce the assessment of transparent practices in MoBa articles.
[Demonstration](https://osf.io/nm9ej/) contains all relevant resources related to the demonstration of transparent practices, including simulated data, a preregistration of secondary data analysis (alongside documentation of deviations), and analyses scripts.
#### Other important Links
[What is MoBa](https://www.fhi.no/en/studies/moba/)
[MoBa Publication Guidelines](https://www.fhi.no/globalassets/dokumenterfiler/studier/den-norske-mor-far-og-barn--undersokelsenmoba/info-til-forskere/publication_guidelines_moba.pdf)