#### **Results** ####
**This is a space for you to include the results of your experiment or project.**
Files placed here could include:
- Raw data
- Processed data
- Links to raw data output from instruments
- Data stored in a folder on Amazon or another third-party storage service could also be attached within this component
**Remember to make sure that all data and related materials connected to the OSF must not contain any personally identifiable information or personal health information.This includes CMU Box and other connected third-party storage services.**
If you'd like to learn how to utilize a third-party storage service add-on for your data see: **<a href="http://help.osf.io/m/addons">Using Add-ons</a>** for a step-by-step guide.
For more detailed information about using the OSF interface, or to ask further questions about using the template as a Lab Notebook, please contact us at <a href="mailto:huajinw@cmu.edu"> huajinw@cmu.edu</a> or <a href="mailto:mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu"> mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu</a>. <br>
Additionally OSF tutorials, instructions, and support contacts are available at <a href="http://help.osf.io/">OSF Guides</a>.