This OSF project serves to share the materials and data for our experiment investigating the *that*-trace effect in Spanish-English code-switching, the results of which are published here:
Hoot, Bradley & Shane Ebert. 2021. The That-Trace Effect: Evidence from Spanish–English Code-Switching. *Languages* 6(4). 189. doi:10.3390/languages6040189.
We have provided the experiment stimuli and fillers, the SPSS syntax we used for the statistical analysis, and the data files. The data files are divided by type, with the code-switching data, the monolingual English task data, and the monolingual Spanish task data each in a separate file.
In the data files, the participant numbers are codes without any significance, but they are consistent across the files.
This project's materials are the same as those used in our previous publication, which has [its own OSF page][1].