## **Change in incidence of cardiovascular diseases during the covid-19 pandemic and vaccination campaign: data from the nationwide French hospital discharge database - Data sharing**
Thierry Boudemaghe<sup>1,2</sup>, Lucas Léger<sup>1</sup>, Antonia Perez-Martin<sup>2,3</sup>, Carey M. Suehs<sup>4</sup>, Jean-Christophe Gris<sup>2,5,6,7</sup>
1 Department of Medical Informatics, Methods and Research, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier, Nîmes, France
2 Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Montpellier, INSERM, Montpellier, France.
3 Department of Vascular Medicine, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier, Nîmes, France
4 Department of Respiratory Diseases, CHU Montpellier, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
5 Department of Haematology, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier, Nîmes, France
6 Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
7 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
### **1. Hierarchical data exploration system**
The hierarchical data exploration system (HDES) is a set of figure files organized in a structured system of directories, and navigable through html files.
In order to use the HDES:
1. Download hierarchical_data_exploration_system.7z
2. Decompress the 7z file in a chosen directory (e.g. browser)
3. Open the file index.html
### **2. Data model for data provided**
The file data.7z contains two data files:
- **sex_age_year.csv**
Number of patients per sex and age group per year.
| Field name | Description |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| Patho | Pathology |
| Sex | Sex |
| Age | Age group |
| Nb2019 | Number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2019 |
| Nb2020 | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2020 |
| Nb2020_min | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2020, lower bound |
| Nb2020_max | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2020, upper bound |
| Nb2021 | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2021 |
| Nb2021_min | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2021, lower |
| Nb2021_max | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Age Group in 2021, upper bound |
Then a series of fields named according the following X_Y pattern, X and Y being the years compared:
| | |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| Diff_X_Y | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X |
| Diff_X_Y_min | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, lower bound |
| Diff_X_Y_max | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, upper bound |
| Diff_X_Y_p | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, significance |
| Diff_X_Y_Dir | If p is significant, sign of the difference (- or +), else 0 |
| RR_X_Y | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year X |
| RR_X_Y_min | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, lower bound |
| RR_X_Y_max | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, upper bound |
| RR_X_Y_p | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, significance |
| RR_X_Y_Dir | If p is significant, impact of the RR (- or +), else 0 |
Diff_19_20 – Number of patients year 2020 - Number of patients year 2019
RR_19_2020 – Relative Risk of hospitalization on year 2020 compared to year year 2019
- **diff_month.csv**
Patients per sex, age group and month: Number per year and difference in number and RR between each dyad of years
| Field name | Description |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| Patho | Pathology |
| Sex | Sex |
| Month | Month of admission |
| Nb2019 | Number of patients for Sex and Month in 2019 |
| Nb2020 | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2020 |
| Nb2020_min | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2020, lower bound |
| Nb2020_max | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2020, upper bound |
| Nb2021 | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2021 |
| Nb2021_min | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2021, lower bound |
| Nb2021_max | Standardized number of patients for Sex and Month in 2021, upper bound |
Then a series of fields named according the following X_Y pattern, X and Y being the years compared:
| | |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| Diff_X_Y | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X
| Diff_X_Y_min | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, lower bound |
| Diff_X_Y_max | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, upper bound |
| Diff_X_Y_p | Number of patients year Y - Number of patients year X, significance |
| Diff_X_Y_Dir | If p is significant, sign of the difference (- or +), else 0 |
| RR_X_Y | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year X |
| RR_X_Y_min | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, lower bound |
| RR_X_Y_max | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, upper bound |
| RR_X_Y_p | Relative Risk of hospitalization on year Y compared to year, significance |
| RR_X_Y_Dir | If p is significant, impact of the RR (- or +), else 0 |
Diff_19_20 – Number of patients year 2020 - Number of patients year 2019
RR_19_2020 – Relative Risk of hospitalization on year 2020 compared to year year 2019