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This component contains three R functions that are used for all three applications: - **[bordaCount.R][1]** <br> Contains the R function to calculate the [Borda Count][2]. The function needs a matrix with the rankings of the items per person, the number of people who ranked, and the number of items that were ranked as input: *bordaCount(rankMatrix, nPeople, nItems)*. - **[boundsFunction.R][3]** <br> Contains the R function to calculate the bounds that are implied by the ranking. For example, if somebody ranked the items x<sub>1</sub> to x<sub>5</sub> as **x<sub>1</sub>, x<sub>3</sub>, x<sub>4</sub>, x<sub>2</sub>, x<sub>5</sub>**, this implies the following order restrictions: **x<sub>1</sub> < x<sub>3</sub> < x<sub>4</sub> < x<sub>2</sub> < x<sub>5</sub>**. Using these order restrictions you can define lower and upper bounds for every item in the list. So, item **x<sub>1</sub>** would have a lower bound of **-&infin;** and an upper bound of **x<sub>3</sub>**; **&infin; < x<sub>1</sub> < x<sub>3</sub>**. The Thurstonian top-*n* model uses these bounds to infer the latent ground truth. The function needs a matrix with the rankings of the items per person, the number of people who ranked, and the number of items that were ranked as input: *bounds(rankMatrix, nPeople, nItems)*. - **[partialTau.R][4]** <br> Contains the R function to calculate the partial [tau distance][5] (Fagin, Kumar, Mahdian, Sivakumar, & Vee, 2006). The tau distance is a metric that describes the similarity between two ranked lists. The function needs two lists of ranks as input: *partialTau(A, B, penalty = 0.5)*. References <br> Fagin, R., Kumar, R., Mahdian, M., Sivakumar, D., & Vee, E. (2006). Comparing partial rankings. *SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 20,* 628-648. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:
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