This wiki details the work and the processes of the IBME team in the context wider work of the WHO Expert Group on **ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON SOCIAL LISTENING AND INFODEMIC MANAGEMENT.**
## Scope
The WHO **expert group on ethical considerations of social listening and infodemic management (EG)** will advise WHO in **producing guidance and related tools with respect to the ethical principles associated with social listening and other related infodemic management activities during health emergencies.**
In particular, the objectives of the EG on ethical considerations of social listening and infodemic management are:
### Objective 1
To advise WHO in **developing WHO guidance and accompanying policy brief on ethics matters for social listening and infodemic management,** in the context of health authority **routine health programming** and **emergency preparedness activities** and **emergency response.**
### Objective 2
To advise WHO in **developing practical tools to apply the guidance** for social listening and infodemic management, for infodemic managers and implementation researchers who conduct infodemic management and social listening to monitor the infodemic and guide infodemic management interventions.
### Objective 3
To discuss and advise WHO on **ethical considerations** in social listening and infodemic management **that need further exploration,** emerging issues, and applications of guidance in the field, as needed;
The plenary meetings of the EG will normally take place once per month, with additional meetings when needed. The Experts are expected to regularly attend the scheduled meetings, contribute to the discussions or any assigned sub-groups, and review and comment on draft materials. **The work of the EG will be informed by a Scoping Review of the literature.**
The Expert Group’s mandate and constitution will be reviewed at the end of 2023.
The Secretariat will facilitate linkages with other relevant WHO working groups, as well as external partners. Additional expertise may be sought to supplement the group and sub-expert groups established, where considered necessary.
## Preliminary considerations
## Strategy
![enter image description here][1]
# Scoping review on ethical considerations of social listening and infodemic management
## Query definition
## Query translation
## Additional material
Relevant additional material (including literature, grey literature, UN references, WHO references, digital strategies, and various examples) have been contributed by the EG and integrated in the corpus. See: https://osf.io/28d73/wiki/Additional%20material/
## Paper retrieval
We collected and downloaded entries retrieved from the databases and imported them in a shared and public Zotero project, available here: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4931113/who_infodemics_ethics_review/library
## Screening criteria
We defined the following exclusion and inclusion criteria for screening, respectively, records, and full texts. The criteria have been validated by the EG.
### Inclusion criteria
We screened the records against the inclusion criteria described [here](https://osf.io/28d73/wiki/Inclusion%20and%20exclusion%20criteria/) to determine whether to screen also their full text. The list of papers which passed this first screening is available [here](https://osf.io/28d73/files/osfstorage#) as a .bib file.
### Exclusion criteria
We screened the full texts against the exclusion criteria described [here](https://osf.io/28d73/wiki/Inclusion%20and%20exclusion%20criteria/) to determine whether the studies identified before are within the scope of the review and therefore whether their results should be included in the evidence synthesis.
## Paper retrieval
We collected and downloaded entries retrieved from the databases and imported them in a shared and public Zotero project, available here: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4931113/who_infodemics_ethics_review/library
![enter image description here][2]
## Evidence synthesis
We developed a dedicated web app in python/streamlit to perform the assessment. Code available here: https://github.com/that-ugly-cat/revmaster
Assessment of this corpus available here: https://that-ugly-cat-revbaster-base-revmaster-scfm1v.streamlit.app/
### Assessment criteria
We assessed the included material based on the criteria detailed here: https://osf.io/28d73/wiki/Assessment%20criteria/
### High level mapping (based on the PubMed corpus, before screening)
This SNM visualizes the top 300 keywords and their co-occurrence in the papers retrieved by the PubMed query:
Methodological details on the preparation of the map here: https://www.giovannispitale.net/ethics500/
### Item types (based on included material)
|Item Type|count|
### Publication year (based on included material)
|Publication Year|count|
### Countries (based on included material)
|United States (US)|26|
|United Kingdom (GB)|17|
|Canada (CA)|12|
|Italy (IT)|7|
|India (IN)|7|
|Australia (AU)|7|
|Switzerland (CH)|5|
|Germany (DE)|5|
|South Africa (ZA)|4|
|Netherlands (NL)|4|
|Finland (FI)|3|
|Norway (NO)|3|
|Malaysia (MY)|2|
|Sweden (SE)|2|
|France (FR)|2|
|Belgium (BE)|2|
|Taiwan (TW)|2|
|Pakistan (PK)|2|
|China (CN)|2|
|Vietnam (VN)|2|
|Bangladesh (BD)|2|
|Ghana (GH)|1|
|Ireland (IE)|1|
|New Zealand (NZ)|1|
|Ukraine (UA)|1|
|Kazakhstan (KZ)|1|
|Zambia (ZM)|1|
|Philippines (PH)|1|
|Egypt (EG)|1|
|Serbia (RS)|1|
|Brazil (BR)|1|
|Singapore (SG)|1|
|Spain (ES)|1|
|Portugal (PT)|1|
|Japan (JP)|1|
|Tanzania (TZ)|1|
|Nigeria (NG)|1|
|Israel (IL)|1|
|Afghanistan (AF)|1|
|Ethiopia (ET)|1|
|Qatar (QA)|1|
|Myanmar (Burma) (MM)|1|
|Thailand (TH)|1|
|Croatia (HR)|1|
|Lithuania (LT)|1|
### Study type (based on included material)
|Study Type|count|
|Literature review|4|
### Methods(for empirical studies) (based on included material)
|Mixed methods|11|
### Methods (for reviews) (based on included material)
|Type of review|count|
|Scoping review|2|
|Rapid review|2|
### Methods (for 'other') (based on included material)
|landscape review and framework|1|
|computational approach to analyse fake news - generation of tool|1|
|platform for public engagement|1|
|Set of guidelines|1|
### Low level mapping
#### Characterization of infodemic
#### Characterization of infodemic management
#### Ethical issues in infodemics
#### Ethical issues in infodemic management
#### Aims of infodemic management
#### Conclusions and recommendations
[1]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/download/78r46/?direct=%26mode=render&format=2400x2400.jpeg
[2]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/download/ykg2w/?direct=%26mode=render&format=2400x2400.jpeg