# Instructions for use #
This component contains the raw data for Experiment 1.
Note: the "Compiled Data" component contains compiled EEG and behavior files in .mat format, which will be easier to work with than the raw data provided here. I've included the raw data so users have access to other variables in the data set that I did not include in the compiled files.
## Behavior ##
Contains the raw .mat behavior files produced by the PsychToolbox experiment script. For each subject, there is a file for each block of the task. The files are named "SNRememberColorBN.mat" where SN = subject number and BN = block number.
## EEG ##
Contains the raw EEG data. The files are simply named with the subject number. Each subject has data in two different data formats (.BED and .rdf). We read the .rdf files into matlab.Please refer to the task scripts to see what the event markers mean.