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# Replication Data for Fine-Grained Implicit Sentiment in Financial News: Uncovering Hidden Bulls and Bears. This replication repository is split across several source code with data sub-repositories that containing source code and data for the experiments in *"Fine-Grained Implicit Sentiment in Financial News: Uncovering Hidden Bulls and Bears." by Gilles Jacobs and Véronique Hoste*. ## 1. Pre-processing with `sentivent-webanno-parser' Contains scripts for parsing and pre-processing the original WebAnno export to the data formats required for experiments in paper at NOTE: The original SENTiVENT WebAnno export files will be released after the project ends (end of 2021). Use: - run `python` to preprocess orginal WebAnno export for coarse-grained gold polar expression polarity classification experiments. - Run `python` to preprocess for coarse-grained clause-based experiments. - Run `python` to pre-process for fine-grained triplet BIO format. - There are several other scripts regarding IAA and viz. that are self-documenting. ## 2. Coarse-grained experiments repository Contains replication data in '/data' subfolder and hyperoptim. training, testing, validation source code. Several utility scripts for the pre-processing of lexicons are also included, but the lexicons cannot be included due to copyright issues. Use: - Model training and tokenization code in `` and ``, run hyperoptim search with `python` - `/data/`: contains coarse-grained datasets in json format. - `/utils/`: various utility scripts for viz., lexicon pre-processing, and EDA. ## 3. Fine-grained triplet experiments repository Contains replication data in '/data' subfolder and hyperoptim. training, testing, validation source code fo Triplet extraction. This repositoy is a fork of the original work on GTS by Wu et al. (2020) (make sure you are on `#sentivent` branch. Use: - Run `python src/` to train hyperoptim search. Collect results in tables with `collect_` ## 4. Hyperparameter optimization search individual results We used built-in hyperparameter sweep functionality with hyperband early stopping. The implementation is in each experiment series code-base. For each encoder model + lexicon feature group there is a different project page with runs. The webpages listed below allow inspection of individual runs: - No lex.: No lexicon features. - Econ.: Economic domain lexicons. - All: General-domain and economic domain lexicon features). ### 4.1. Coarse-grained gold polar expressions - RoBERTa-large: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - RoBERTa-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - BERT-large: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - BERT-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - DeBERTa-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - FinBERT-Finvocab: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - FinBERT-TRC2+FP: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( ### 4.2. Coarse-grained clause-based experiments - BERT-large : [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - BERT-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - FinBERT-FinVocab: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - RoBERTa-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - DeBERTa-base: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - FinBERT-TRC2+FP: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( - RoBERTa-large: [No lex.](, [Econ.](, [All]( ### 4.3. Fine-grained triplet experiments SENTiVENT (ours): - [DeBERTa-base]( - [FinBERT-TRC2+FP]( - [BERT-large]( - [BERT-base]( - [RoBERTa-base]( - [RoBERTa-large]( Explicit Wu et al. (2020): - [RoBERTa-base]( - [RoBERTa-large](
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