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  1. Hesty Tambajong

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Category: Project

Description: This study aims to determine the behavior of district officials in the delivery of public services and know the culture of a growing organization in the district office in order to give service in society. Meanwhile at the end of this study, it can provide insight into the raising behavior from organization culture. This study used a qualitative approach, the sampling is purposive data sources on the apparatus districts and snowball on society service recipients in Tamalanrea district. The results showed that reflected behavioral aspects of the experience and discipline of apparatus, transparency and rules observance would make the bureaucracy becomes stiff but it aims to prevent irregularities and chaos in the administration service. Besides that the openness have become important factors in the process of public services, the information provided openly necessary in order to attempt to obtain a compensation. It does not occur to the apparatus meanwhile the service can be sincere. Then the findings of this study indicate that the culture that is built on the ideals, values that exist within the organization over time will form the professional behavioral apparatus.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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