The "SpiDa" dataset ("SpiDa.csv") consists of the data of 192 spider-fearful individuals who participated in an online survey. Participants answered a broad variety of self-report questionnaires on spider fear, disgust, and anxiety, rated a set of heterogeneous spider images according to several psychological dimensions relevant to spider phobia, and filled out a follow-up questionnaire after one week. The dataset comes with an extensive codebook ("SpiDa_codebook.html").
Moreover, we provide a filteres dataset ("SpiDa_filtered.csv") of participants after exclusions, as well as a dataset containing the trial-wise image ratings after exclusions ("SpiDa_filtered_image_ratings.csv).
For details, please consult the original publication (see below) and the README.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1327367