## Default lab data analysis choices
Here's a page where we write down lab default data analysis choices. The goal is that this guides our practice and constitutes a "default registration."
### Data analysis
+ Reaction times are clipped at +/- 3 SDs, computed in log space
+ RTs are modeled in log space, not linear.
+ Mixed effects models always start with maximal random effects structure (e.g., from Barr et al.).
+ In cases of non-convergence, we prune interaction random slopes, first from items, then from subjects. Then we remove item random effects altogether.
+ We use the t = z approximation for computing p-values in mixed effects models.
### Children
+ We exclude children for bilingualism at < 75% reported English exposure on our form.
+ We also exclude children for parent/sibling interference, and for self-reported developmental disability (e.g., ID, SLI, ASD, ADHD).
+ We *don't* exclude premature infants in preschooler studies (e.g., age 2 and above).
+ When not otherwise specified, we use the 50/50 rule for excluding trials and children from eye-tracking studies: exclude the trial if > 50% of data is missing, exclude the child if > 50% of trials are missing.