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Category: Project
Description: This is the replication packet for Study 2 in the 2010 Organization Science paper by Francesca Gino and Lamar Pierce. This replication packet uses original electronic data as sent by Francesca Gino to Lamar Pierce in 2007. The electronic data were built from paper and pencil based studies, and the original answer sheets no longer exist. The electronic data are exactly as received with one exception: a small number of observations where the respondent filled in the "ID" space with a Social Security or Visa Number have been deidentified, and are noted within the dataset. This replication packet was created by Lamar Pierce and sent in this exact form to INFORMS on July 24 2023 for independent validation, at the request of Lamar. It was also sent to one of the organizers of the many co-authors project on August 21 2023. I welcome any thoughts or feedback on the study, its results, or its data.
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