# [To pick back up later, read details here](https://osf.io/zk9xa/wiki/Getting%20Back%20to%20the%20Notebooks/)
#### Materials and References for the iPython/Jupyter Tutorial
### Intro tips and tricks - feeds and more - API, OAI-PMH
- 10:30AM - 12:30PM Wednesday July 13
- 5pm - 6pm Curation Associates Meeting
# For all Users - Getting Started
## Create a GitHub Account
1. Go to [http://github.com](http://github.com)
2. Create and confirm your user account
## Get your own copy of the ```share_tutorials``` repository
1. Go to [http://github.com/erinspace/share_tutorials](http://github.com/erinspace/share_tutorials)
2. Click on "Fork" in the upper left hand corner
![fork on github][1]
This will copy all of the code in its current state into a new repository under your own account!
## Now, choose your own adventure:
- [Click here to continue with Windows](https://osf.io/zk9xa/wiki/Windows%20Setup/)
- [Click here to continue with Mac](https://osf.io/zk9xa/wiki/Mac%20Setup/)
- [Click here to continue with linux](https://osf.io/zk9xa/wiki/Linux%20Setup/)
- [Click here if you'd rather not download anything and just want to try things out on the web](https://osf.io/zk9xa/wiki/Easy%20Web%20Setup/)
[1]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/h8kjn/?action=download&direct&mode=render&initialWidth=662&childId=mfrIframe&format=1200x1200.jpeg