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Description: Here you can find the R codes (implementing Fisher scoring) together with example data (the .dat-files) to estimate Social Relations Model (SRM) parameters with restricted maximum likelihood (REML). Please note, that using the codes presupposes that your data is organized in the long format and that there is variable coding the group, one variable for the actors, one for the partners, and one for the dyads. See the data files for examples. Please also note that it is intended to include the codes to TripleR (an R package to estimate SRM parameters by Felix Schönbrodt, Mitja Back, and Stefan Schmukle). Check the TripleR homepage for updates on this ( If there are any bugs or when you have any ideas to increase the speed of the algorithm, please write an E-mail to Steffen Nestler ( Thanks! To familiarize with the code, we suggest to start with analyzing the Hallmark et al. data (we used it in the paper) using the SRM_Multivariate_Multiple Groups-file. Then check the codes for the other SRM specifications.


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