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An experimental sociolinguistic study of Asian Americans in Boston (AAiB) /
Datasets for Chang & Dionne (2022), Dionne & Chang (2021)
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Category: Data
Description: Full datasets for Chang and Dionne (2022, "Unity and diversity in Asian American language variation: Data from Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans", POMA) and Dionne and Chang (2021, "Linguistic unity and diversity among Asian Americans in Boston", NWAV 49), in Excel format (.xlsx) and comma-separated values format (.csv). There is a separate CSV file for each of the four dependent variables (linguistic features): (1) R-Deletion, (2) Low Back Raising, (3) L-Vocalization, and (4) L/R-Conflation. Explanations of each of the columns in the Chang and Dionne (2022) dataset are included in the accompanying PDF file of metadata.
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