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Dog Whistle Mascots: Stereotypic Native American Mascots as Normative Expressions of Prejudice
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Category: Project
Studies 1a and 1b Data
Data Summaries for study 1a and 1b. Notice the studies are labeled study 1 and 2 here but this labeling was altered during revisions. Now 1=1a and 2=1...
Study 2 Data and Materials
Study 1 and 2 became Study 1a and 1b in revision, hence why Study 3 is now Study 2 though the naming of the studies on the syntax and data files remai...
Studies 3 and 4
Study 1 and 2 became Study 1a and 1b based on revisions in manuscript submission. This is why the Study numbers have shifted on the OSF pages but not ...
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