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Description: Various data on “ranked-choice” systems in US cities, roughly 1900-60.


Please cite:

Santucci, Jack. 2022. More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America. New York: Oxford University Press.

If using the data on incidence of commission government with Bucklin voting, please cite:

Rosenthal, Andrew and Jack Santucci. 2023. "Reform, Realignment, and the Right to Vote: Majority-preferential Elections in New Jersey, 1910-31." Paper presented at the…


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at-large electionsBrocktonBucklin systemCincinnaticommission form of governmentcouncil-manager form of governmentelectoral systemsinstant runoff votinglocal electionsLos AngelesModel City CharterNew York Citynonpartisan electionsProgressive Eraranked choice votingsingle transferable voteurban politicsWorcester

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