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  1. Daphne Katsikioti
  2. Giota Mitrou
  3. Teresa Norat
  4. Jill Reedy
  5. Martin Wiseman
  6. Ed Giovannucci

Date created: | Last Updated:


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Category: Project

Description: This document is the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) protocol for the systematic literature reviews on the relationship of dietary and lifestyle patterns and the risk of cancers. The starting point is the methodology developed by the WCRF/AICR Methodological Task Force that was implemented during the Systematic literature reviews (SLR) for the Second and Third Expert Report [see methodology in Continuous Update Project protocols here (CUP)].The systematic literature review will incorporate emergent areas of research, and where required, new rigorous methods to approach the evidence. The protocol will guide the process of systematic collection and synthesis of the published epidemiologic evidence on dietary patterns and the risk of certain cancers.

License: CC-By Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


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WCRF Global Cancer Update Programme

Chan & Tsilidis
The aim of the Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global), formerly known as the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research Co...

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