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Date created: 2022-08-16 11:45 AM | Last Updated: 2023-01-11 01:17 PM

Category: Project

Description: This is the data of the paper "Creative beyond TikToks: Investigating Adolescents' Social Privacy Management on TikTok" to appear in PETS 2023.2 proceedings. Below you find: - the consent form (German) for parents as PDF - the interview guide (English, translated from German) als TXT - the interview transcripts (German) as DOCX / RTF - the code system (German, English) as TXT - the coded interviews (German) als REFI QDA and MAX QDA Remarks: - Anonymization procedure: All names of locations, specific references, etc. were removed in the filenames and the transcripts. All firstnames of the children in the filenames and transcripts are pseudonyms. - The coded interviews can be opened with the propriatory software MAX QDA or with any tool that can read the open Rotterdam Exchange Format Initiative (REFI) format. Unfortunately, I assume all tools that support REFI are currently proprietary (with some free trials like f4analyse). I’m not aware of an open-source tool that allows opening REFI (e.g., the open-source RQDA hasn’t implemented REFI so far, some tools started under GPL but have moved to a commercial license). Shoud you have any questions, feel free to contact me:


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