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### Description This is the project for *No Evidence that Smartphone Notifications Lead to Goal-Neglect*. ### Abstract These days, young people report to be in a state of permanent alertness due to their smartphones. This state has been defined as smartphone vigilance, an awareness that one can always get connected to others in combination with a permanent readiness to respond to incoming smartphone notifications. We argue that receiving a notification makes users vigilant and activates goals (e.g., checking the message) that interfere with other goals needed to perform a task. We thus hypothesized that smartphone vigilance impairs maintenance of current task-goals in memory, resulting in increased goal-neglect. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment that examined the effect of smartphone vigilance (incoming notifications) on goal-neglect in a modified Stroop task. We found evidence that participants perceived notifications as distracting, but vigilance did not lead to increased goal-neglect. To the contrary, there was tentative evidence that vigilant participants performed better at the task. ### Files and Folders The project contains the following files and folders: - **Data and Analysis** contains two folders and one file. - The *R Project* contains all data processing from raw to processed. All raw data and working files are in the *Data* subfolder. To run the processing yourself, download and install R and RStudio. Then download the entire *Data and Analysis* folder; once that's done, double click *R Project.Rproj*, then open *RScript.R*. From here, you should be able to select everything and just click run. If you run into problems with packages, manually install the *pacman* package and run everything again. If you want everything ready, just open *Workspace.RData*. For an explanation of the data files, see the wiki page on the data files. - The *JASP Analyses* folder contains the main analyses. *AllConditions* contains the main analysis in JASP. The *ControlOnly* and *VigilanceOnly* files contain the follow-up analyses for each condition separately. For an explanation of the variables, see the *Data Files* wiki. - The *VideoCoding* file contains a record of who we excluded for touching their phones during the experiment, which we recorded with webcams. - **Materials Experiment** contains the Python script for the experiment. Note that the task was in Dutch, so *Script Dutch (Run in Study)* is the one we used, the English one is just there for those interested in the translation of the instructions. - **Preregistration** is the preregistration document from [](
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