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ECS Data Science Hack Day 2017 | Discussion


Welcome to the project page for the inaugural ECS Data Science Hack Day on October 4, 2017!

General information and material can be found in the ECS Hack Day GitHub repository while the data, notes, and software associated with each of the projects are "components" of this main OSF page.

Hack Day Agenda

Room: Maryland 1

Start End Activity
8:30 9:30 Kick-off, motivations, overview Daniel Sch…


Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.



Project: NASA Battery Prognostics Data

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XPS Data from Li-Ion Battery Anodes

The project imports XPS data and performs analysis and fitting for peaks. Data collected at Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division. Distribut...

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Project: Genetic Algorithms with RDKit for Molecular Structure Search

Molecular search algorithms combined with QSAR models can be used to navigate structure space and design new clean energy materials

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