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Here we provide data and scripts relevant for the paper: Boch, M., Karl, S., Wagner, I.C., Lengersdorff, L., Huber*, L., and Lamm*, C. (2023). Action observation reveals a network with divergent temporal and parietal lobe engagement in dogs compared to humans **Preprint available at**: **FILE / FOLDER DESCRIPTIONS** **agent localizer**: contains group statistical (beta) maps of the univariate analysis and region-of-interest (ROI) data of the task-based functional connectivity analysis (gPPI) with V1 as seed region. **average structural**: contains average structural scans to serve as background images to overlay beta maps (i.e., group comparisons) **unvariate roidata dogs**: contains ROI data from the univariate analysis in sensory-motor areas and functionally defined ROIs for the dogs **group betamaps**: containing thresholded and unthresholded statistical (beta) maps of all group comparisons of the main task from the dog and human data **lobe comparison**: gPPI: contains gPPI ROI data with V1 as seed region using either anatomical (dogs & humans) or functionally (secondary analysis dogs) defined ROIs, and the code to visualize and analyse the data. Human gPPI roidata along with the code are also provided. univariate: contains individual voxel counts of active voxels in temporal and parietal lobes of both species using three different thresholds to define active voxels: .005/.001 (dog/human) cluster corrected (= main analysis), same threshold uncorrected (secondary analysis) or top-% most active voxels (secondary analysis), and the code to analysie and visualize the data. **sample descriptives**: contains descriptive data, i.e. age, sex, breed (if applicable) etc for human and dog sample (.json files contain variable descriptions) and subfolders for each species containing plots of the six realignment parameters from all participants. **stimulus material**: All stimuli (i.e., videos) presented in the study. **tSNR maps dogs**: contains individual whole-brain temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) maps of the dogs, a mean whole-brain tSNR map and mean tSNR values extracted from dog sensory-motor regions along with a script to visualize them.
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