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Description: Passive suicidal ideation (SI) afflicts 10.6% of the population in pooled epidemiological samples. In contrast to traditional suicidology, critical suicide studies interrogate structural/systemic drivers of disparities in SI, implicating policy-level determinants and stigmatizing political rhetorics. The subdiscipline focuses on “language, discourse, power relations, and social histories….ways of being ‘selves’ and ideas about life, death and suicide are not settled but are always being (re)produced and co-constituted…within specific, social historical, cultural and political contexts.”[1(p473)] This study examines contemporary American bodily autonomy reversal (BAR) policymaking, unwinding access to abortion and gender-affirming healthcare, as a time-variant driver of SI. Leveraging I.) Transformer-based pretrained language models; II.) time series and event study estimation, and III.) reflexive thematic analysis, with ~1M Reddit submissions by BAR-targeted post authors, the collective suicidogenic toll of BAR anticipation and enactment will be modeled among cisgender women, transgender, gender-diverse, and all pregnancy-capable people.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Annotation spec: passive suicidality in a repressive U.S. political context. Includes deliberative memos and evolved tag definitions. Precursor to GPT...

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