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Category: Project

Description: This repository contains the Bill of Materials (BOM) and the components of the physical structures part of the RepMat library, the materials library developed during Alessia Romani's Ph.D. research. It supports the replication of the physical part of the library to showcase and investigate new circular materials and emerging technologies, such as 3D printing.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0


RepMat Library

The virtual part of the RepMat library is visible at:
The concept of this materials library, including the physical structures, was designed and developed by Alessia Romani at +LAB, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta", Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

This repository supports the Ph.D. dissertation:
Romani A (2024,…



Circularity by Design, Materials, and Additive Manufacturing - Applications and 3D Printing systems

This repository contains some 3D models of samples and applications part of the RepMat library, the materials library developed during Alessia Romani'...

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