# ELN component
This is a component (folder) containing all the student ELNs. You can navigate back to higher levels and access data and scripts using the grey menu bar above.
I have previously written some tips on creating and using ELN entries, you might like to read [those pages][1] which are in a different OSF site.
There are lots of ways to create ELNs, we would love to hear your views on what works for you or improvements you've discovered.
We have created a first ELN for each of you "ELN1 metabarcoding" If it was me I would have a series of posts on the same topic in one wiki ELN, and begin a second wiki for a totally new topic or experiment. Determining what is a convenient and manageable size is a personal thing however.
![An old-fashioned lab book][2]
[1]: https://osf.io/pfhqc/wiki/home/
[2]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/h3dsf/?action=download%26direct%26mode=render&initialWidth=848&childId=mfrIframe&format=1200x1200.jpeg