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Indefinites as Fossils
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Category: Data
Description: Synchronic and diachronic data of indefinite pronouns and determiners
The corpus studies reported here were conducted as part of a NWO-funded project that ran from 2008 to 2012 at the University of Amsterdam and are joint work with Ana Aguilar-Guevara (Spanish), Maria Aloni (Italian), Angelika Port (German), Radek Siḿık (Czech), Stephanie Solt (English), and Machteld de Vos (Dutch). Marco Degano, Tikitu de Jager, Hedde Zeijlstra and Katrin Schulz were also involved …
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Indefinites and Free Choice: When the Past Matters
Database associated with the paper Degano & Aloni (2021) in NLLT.
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