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Category: Project

Description: Parsing and marking up the logical structure of draft legislation so that computers can navigate it - using the insights of legislative drafters in Commonwealth countries

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Artificial Intelligence and legislation

Looking at ways in which AI can help legislative drafters, particularly in marking up the logical structure of their drafts. Includes project with Goo...

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"Common Legislative Solutions" Jerseyfied, parsed & digitised

Parsing & marking up model provisions for a Jersey version of "Common Legislative Solutions". Includes contributing to their drafting by parsing e...

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Improving rigour in legislative drafting - lessons from logic & computing

Guidance and training for legislative drafters on lessons learned from the project on how to improve rigour of our drafting even if we do not digitise...

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Parsing exercises

Testing different ways to parse and mark up the logical structure of legislation, by using a set of imaginary provisions and chosen enacted legislati...

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What might an IDE-like drafting tool look like?

Basic specification and mock-ups for IDE-like tool for legislative drafters, to help build & mark up logical structures

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