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Dysfunctions in cognitive control have been associated with mental disorders and suggested as transdiagnostic mechanisms. However, it is unclear whether and how cognitive control functions are related to phenotypes underlying mental disorders, such as impulsivity and compulsivity. These dimensions reflect models of biased implementation of cognitive control with respect to stability vs. flexibility control dilemmas. The project investigates the relationship between cognitive control arbitrations of shifting-shielding and stability-flexibility and interindividual variation of impulsivity, compulsivity, and the potential moderating influence of trait anxiety. To this end we will investigate a large sample (N=250) of preselected subjects (via online survey) to sample evenly along the dimensions of impulsivity and compulsivity. Cognitive control will be assessed with the Collaborative Reaseacrh Centre 940 (CRC 940) Cognitive Control Task Battery (CCB) at the behavioral level and daily self-control failures via ambulatory assessments (both in collaboration with the other projects in CRC 940 domain C). Neural correlates of cognitive control will be assessed with electroencephalography (EEG) during response inhibition, performance monitoring, and learning. The aim is to establish distinct and overlapping associations between behavioral and neural markers of cognitive control and impulsivity/compulsivity. These findings will provide evidence whether and which cognitive control deficits represent transdiagnostic and dimension-specific markers. It is planned to investigate additional dimensions, such as depression and anxiety, as well as clinical groups in a follow-up project.
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