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Category: Project
Description: This is the supporting data for the paper "Independent reanalysis of alleged mind-matter interaction in double-slit experimental data", N. Tremblay, published in PLoS One and available here: It contains raw data separated in several archive files. To recover the data, follow the steps: 1/ Download all the *.tar.gz* files available. Make sure you have 8 partial archives for the 2013 experiments and 11 for the 2014 experiments. 2/ Concatenate all files for 2013 experiments: * open a terminal and go to the directory containing the archive files * write "cat raw_data_2013.tar.gz* > raw_data_2013.tar.gz" 3/ Decompress raw_data_2013.tar.gz into folder "raw_data_2013" 4/ Do the same for the 2014 experiments: * open a terminal and go to the directory * write "cat raw_data_2014.tar.gz* > raw_data_2014.tar.gz" * decompress raw_data_2014.tar.gz into folder "raw_data_2014" If there are any issues with obtaining these data, please contact me at : Note that the MATLAB codes used to analyze these data (containing the pre-processing steps, the statistical analyses, as well as the figure-plotting codes) are available on my website: Note: The original dataset was generated in an experiment conducted by Dean Radin, Leena Michel, and Arnaud Delorme during the years 2013 and 2014. For an explanation of that experiment, see "D. Radin, L. Michel and A. Delorme; Psychophysical modulation of fringe visibility in a distant double-slit optical system; Physics Essays; vol. 29; number 1; pp 14-22; 2016."