**Original citation**. Epley, N., Akalis, S., Waytz, A., & Cacioppo, J.T. (2008). Creating social connection through inferential reproduction: Loneliness and perceived agency in gadgets, Gods and greyhounds. Psychological Science, 19(2), 114–120.
**Target of replication**. The authors hypothesized that people who were feeling socially disconnected would attempt to restore feelings of belonging by demonstrating more beliefs in supernatural agents and events, and by attributing more social traits to their pets (Study 3).
**Materials, Data, and Report**. Questionnaires can be found in [the materials component][1] of this project. Raw data and the analysis script can be found in [the dataset node][2]. The [preliminary report][3], written before data collection, and the [final report][4] are available in the files section of this node.
[1]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/YuyBh/node/3UDXh/wiki/home
[2]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/YuyBh/node/dKjn4/wiki/home
[3]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/YuyBh/files/ReplicationReport_preStudy.pdf
[4]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/YuyBh/files/Epley_et_al_2008.PS.final.report.pdf