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The depo is associated with the paper: PapagAI:Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays How to use: -unzip all models -use to predict -paths may need to be updates. To reference: @misc{solopova2023papagaiautomated, title={PapagAI:Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays}, author={Veronika Solopova and Adrian Gruszczynski and Eiad Rostom and Fritz Cremer and Sascha Witte and Chengming Zhang and Fernando Ramos López Lea Plößl and Florian Hofmann and Ralf Romeike and Michaela Gläser-Zikuda and Christoph Benzmüller and Tim Landgraf}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.07523}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.AI} }
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