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Change log: 1. 2017-09-06 - Original Submission 2. 2017-10-25 - Updated paper: Added Melanie Myers and Laura Koehly to authorship, updated text, corrected minor typos. 3. 2017-11-05 - Updated manuscript. Incorporated feedback from co-authors. Re-wrote discussion. Added citations on MIFHH. 4. 2018-08-15 - Major revision to manuscript based on reviewer comments. Changes include: updated notation, clarification of decision criteria, new figure, updated MCMC samples. 5. 2018-09-04 - Minor revision to update table, correct typos, and formatting for submission to BMC-MRM. 6. 2018-11-28 - Major revision to the paper based on reviewer feedback via BMC-MRM.
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