This repository contains the Matlab code to reproduce the simulations described in "Culture without copying or selection".
The main script is CAT.m (the script rescale.m is a custom function used by CAT.m).
To run the simulation lunch the function CAT from the Matlab command window, with the appropriate parameters, as follows:
* alpha: the value used to calculate the reach of convergent transformation
* F: if 0 selection is random, if 1 it is biased
* k: the maximum "copying error" if the input is not under convergent transformation
* graph: if 1 plot at each time step the population, otherwise set to 0
* max_T: number of time steps
* move_pop: if 1, the population starts from a corner of the space
* N: population size
CAT produces four outputs:
* barycentre: the population "barycentre" at each time step
* spread: the population "spread" at each time step (calculated as the mean of all distances to the barycentre)
* mu_a_proportion: proportion of items under convergent transformation at each time step
* fidelity: average fidelity
These information can be acessed from the Matlab command window typing: help CAT
Please refer to the manuscript for further information.