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Supplementary materials for "Corpus-based approach meets LFG: Puzzling voice alternation in Indonesian"
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Category: Data
Description: Data, R codes, and figures for a co-authored paper for the 25th International Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) 2020 proceedings. The paper titled "Corpus-based approach meets LFG: Puzzling voice alternation in Indonesian"
Published version of the paper can be downloaded from the link below:
Rajeg, G. P. W., Rajeg, I. M., & Arka, I. W. (2020). Corpus-based approach meets LFG: the puzzling case of voice alternations of kena-verbs in Indonesian. In M. Butt & I. Toivonen (Eds.), Proceedings of the LFG’20 conference, on-line (pp. 307–327). CSLI Publications.
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