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If you have questions and/or comments, I'm around during Poster Session A (Thursday 12-2 pm). For questions and comments, please, use the bubble in the upper right corner, or send an email to at any time. **Short Abstract** The present study investigates the interaction of tense (past/present/future) and aspect (simple/progressive) in the processing of sentences that are ambiguous with regard to their temporal interpretation. Sentences with specific time-frame adverbials (e.g., in three hours) can get a durative as well as an inceptive reading. The results of three studies (FC, AJT, SPR) show an interaction of interpretation, tense and aspect, and support the hypothesis that the semantics of the progressive does not provide a resultant state, but that a resultant state is pragmatically implicated in specific environments like past tense (cessation implicature, e.g., Altshuler & Schwarzschild, 2013).
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