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Date created: 2017-12-27 01:22 AM | Last Updated: 2019-08-08 02:32 AM

Category: Project

Description: This study investigated the comprehension of plural morphosyntactic markers and its relationship with numerical comparison abilities in children with Down syndrome (DS). It evaluated 16 Spanish-speaking children with DS (mean chronological age =9;3) and 16 typically developing children with similar receptive vocabulary (mean chronological age =3;5). Children participated in two preferential looking tasks assessing their abilities to map singular and plural markers to their visual referents and to distinguish one object from more than one. Both groups of children correctly mapped plural markers to their referents but failed to map singular ones. Both groups also looked at collections of more than one object with four objects but not at those with two. The eye movement patterns of children who looked at collections of more than one object suggest counting. These results suggest that comprehension of plural markers is intact in DS; however, it is not related to their numerical abilities.


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