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This project contains the manuscript and supplementary materials entitled "It's not all about looks: The role of Object Shape in Parietal Representations of Manual Tools", presenting an fMRI study on neural mechanisms of visual perception of action-objects (manual tools) and investigation of the encoding of action-related features in the dorsal visual stream. We used a behaviourally validated stimulus set that is orthogonally controlled for shape to elicit a distribution of dorsal stream responses to different objects (manipulable, non-manipulable, and tools) and body-parts (hands, faces, torsos). We then investigated the overlap between the representational patterns of hands and tools in dorsal regions-of-interest IPS and SPL, and found that object effectors (tools) are represented together with the body part they extend. Overall, the study provides evidence that the functional organization of dorsal visual cortex reflects body-object interactions, and supports the view that action-related object properties influence the functional organization of object representations in the visual cortex.
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