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Description: Abstract Objective: The aims of this scoping review is to provide an overview of the challenges experienced by Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses during the organ donation process and identify support models or strategies that may support ICU nurses when caring for potential organ donors and their families during the organ donation process. Introduction: Caring for a potential organ donor and their relatives can be a challenging prospect for many ICU nurses. Internationally, there has been a range of reported challenges nurses experience during the organ donation process, and a better understanding of these may improve the quality of care and the overall experience of donors’ families. Inclusion criteria: Studies that report on challenges experienced by the ICU nurses in adult ICU settings while caring for patients during the organ donation process will be included. Studies that report on support models or strategies to address these challenges will also be included. Methods: This scoping review will be conducted in accordance with the methods outlined by JBI and reported using PRISMA-ScR guidance. The following databases will be searched for eligible studies: Cochrane library, MEDLINE (via Ovid), Embase, APA PsycINFO, Scopus, OVID Emcare, Web of Science and CINAHL (via EBSCO). No time or language restrictions will be applied. Studies will be screened for inclusion by two independent reviewers and data extraction will be carried out using the data extraction form designed specifically for this review. Results will be analysed and presented according to the concepts of interest, using tables, figures and supporting narrative summary. Keywords: Organ donation; Intensive Care Unit; ICU nurse; barriers; challenges


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BarriersChallengesCritical care nurseICU nurseIntensive Care UnitOrgan donationScoping reviewTissue donation

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